Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests


Organizational profile: The Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests gives financial support to projects concerning the conservation, sustainable management and restoration of forests, mainly in South America. The objective of these projects is to conserve biodiversity, support socio-economic development of the local population and to mitigate climate change as well as develop and implement adaptation mechanisms.

Financing Instrument: Grants

Project scale: The contribution of the Flemish government through the Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests for an individual project amounts to a minimum of €80,000 and a maximum of €170,000

Recipient countries regions/country groups: Projects must be executed in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Suriname

Recipient categories: NPOs/NGOs, Governments, Businesses

Eligibility Criteria: The Concept note and complete project proposal with all its attachments need to be presented in Spanish or Dutch The duration of the project is a minimum of 18 months and a maximum of 24 months. The proposals must address at least one of the following concrete activities related to natural vegetation:
- Conservation of forest and/or páramo
- Sustainable management of forest and/or páramo
- Recovery of forest and/or páramo
The Flemish government's subsidy, through the Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests cannot exceed 80% of the total project cost , the difference (minimum of 20%) will be financed by local partners or funds other than the Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests of the Flemish government.

Application guidelines: The fund has a procedure consisting of two phases. First of all a concept note needs to be presented. This note has to be brief and clear and focus on eligibility and selection criteria. Only the highest scoring proposals will be eligible to submit a complete project proposal. These complete proposals may be improved based on questions and comments from phase one. As an annex to this call, they also include the Assessment memorandum that will be used for the evaluation of each proposal in each phase. The Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests launches a new call for proposals annually through their website."

Publication Date
Thursday, 01 April 2021
Applicable location
Forest conservation and management
Climate change
Biodiversity conservation
Financing opportunities