Organizational profile:
The Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) is an initiative of the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States financed by the European Union’s 11th European Development Fund. It is part of the EU Biodiversity for Life Flagship initiative (B4Life) which supports efforts to halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and is implemented jointly by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC). BIOPAMA Programme assists the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries to address their priorities for improved management and governance of biodiversity and natural resources. BIOPAMA provides a variety of tools, services and funding to conservation actors in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.
BIOPAMA provides funding opportunities to address protected and conserved areas, sustainable use of biodiversity, natural resources priorities for actions on the ground in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) countries. BIOPAMA provides three kinds of grants:
- Small Technical Grants for Assessment: The purpose of BIOPAMA Small Technical Grants for Assessment (STGA) is to identify or update result-oriented priority actions for improved protected and conserved areas ‘management and governance, through new or updated quantified management and governance assessments and their associated enhancement plans. The STGA aims are:
1) To enhance or update the content of management and work plans for improved effectiveness and governance of ACP protected and conserved areas;
2) To support the conservation targets achievement in ACP countries [1] and the national, regional and global reporting to CBD.
An STGA can fund one or several assessments (for instance within a Key Landscape of Conservation, a PAs network or a national PA system).
- Medium Grants
- Small Technical Grants: The purpose of BIOPAMA Small Technical Grants (STGs) is to address pressing and straightforward needs that are already clearly identified. The STG proposal and its activities must be justified by a diagnostic tool, quantified management and governance assessment tools (including IMET, PAME tools – e.g. METT, RAPPAM, Green List, EoH, or equivalent) or if not available, strategic documents at the protected area, national and regional levels, or if not available validated studies by the PAs management authorities. If no clear reference is given to the diagnostic tools for justifying the application, the proposal will be rejected. There is however an exception to this criterion when the objective of the STG is to implement a quantitative management/ governance assessment. In this case, there is no need for a prior justification with a diagnostic tool, as the objective is actually to identify priorities for action.
Financing Instruments: Grants
Project scale:
- Small Technical Grants for Assessment: Maximum amount EUR 20,000
- Medium Grants: EUR 100,000 - EUR 400,000
- Small Technical Grants: EUR 50,000 - EUR 100,000
Recipient countries regions/country groups: Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific countries
Recipient categories:
• a national, subnational or local government agency;
• a protected area or conserved area;
• a non-governmental organization (NGO);
• a local community-based organization (CBO);
• a regional organization carrying out field projects;
• an international organization (IGO) carrying out field projects.
Eligibility Criteria:
Third parties eligible for BIOPAMA Action Component financial support must:
• be a registered public entity; be a registered non-profit legal entity; be a registered small or medium enterprise (SME); not be individuals or sole traders.
• be a registered public entity;
• be a registered non-profit legal entity;
• be a registered small or medium enterprise (SME);
• not be individuals or sole traders.
• be established in an ACP country (a member of the ACP Group of States);
• be established in a Member State of the European Union;be established in a European Overseas Country or Territory (OCT):
• be established in an OECD Member State, in the case of contracts that are implemented in a Least Developed Country (LDC)
• or a Highly Indebted Poor Country (HIPC).
• be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the grant project; not acting as an intermediary.
• not be a beneficiary of a grant funded by the European Union (including EDF funds) for the same activities.
For being eligible for the BIOPAMA AC financial support, activities must:
• Be located in one or several ACP countries, and within priority areas (Priority Areas, in wider conservation landscapes, include inter alia, key landscapes for conservation (where identified in ACP Countries), Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), Marine Managed Areas or other protected and conserved areas, where their importance is justified by diagnostic tools or strategic documents in ACP Countries, including Small Island Developing States).
• Address clear priorities in terms of protected/conserved areas management and governance, sustainable use of naturalresources and livelihood of surrounding local communities of the priority areas. The priorities must be identified bythe diagnostic tools (as defined above).
• Be consistent with the specific objectives of the BIOPAMA programme.
• Achieve tangible results and impacts in the field expressed through clear indicators included in the project logical framework.
• Comply with IUCN Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS).Enable data and information sharing from the project with the BIOPAMA Regional Observatories and RIS.
• Enable data and information sharing from the project with the BIOPAMA Regional Observatories and RIS.
• Be cost-efficient and sustainable.
• Be of practical field application and limited in time (confined to the duration of BIOPAMA II) to avoid dependency on the support provided by the Action Component.
Activities with co-benefits beyond conservation (e.g. on human well-being or climate change mitigation and adaptation) will be prioritized.
Application guidelines:
The grant application process of BIOPAMA is a single stage with the submission of a full proposal for assessment, ranking, evaluation and final selection. The application form has to be completed online on the BIOPAMA AC Portal.
- Small Technical Grants for Assessment: The proposal must be submitted using the Small Technical Grant Proposal for Assessments application form template and the official additional documents (budget, simplified logframe, ESMS questions, mandate, declaration, due diligence) must be completed to allow their evaluation.
- Medium Grants: Medium Grant Proposal Application Form and the published annexes which have to be filled in (budget, logical framework, ESMS questionnaire, etc.) will be evaluated.
- Small Technical Grants: The Small Technical Grant Proposal application form template and the official additional documents (budget, logframe, ESMS questionnaire, mandate, declaration, due diligence) have to be filled for being evaluated.