Caribbean Biodiversity Fund



The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF) is a regional umbrella environmental fund that implements innovative solutions and consolidates regional conservation impacts in the Caribbean through a range of financial instruments.

Since 2012, the CBF has been working to ensure continuous funding for conservation and sustainable development in the Caribbean. The fund has three programmes: Climate Change, Conservation Finance, and Nature-Based Economies. 

The Climate Change Program, through its Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Facility, allows the CBF to distribute grants to implement local, national and regional projects that support effective climate change adaptation measures in the marine and coastal zone of the insular Caribbean through competitive calls for proposals.

The Conservation Finance Program focuses on the provision of funding towards the protection and management of biodiversity and natural resources, including in forest and mangrove ecosystems, and is mainly supported through the Endowment Fund. The proceeds of this Fund are invested in country-based subaccounts and are channeled through partner National Conservation Trust Funds (NCTFs), who in turn lead grantmaking programs at the national level.

Financing Instrument: Grants 

Project scale: The EbA Facility provides medium-sized grants in the range of USD 250,000 to 1 million, and large grants up to USD 2 million.

Recipient countries regions/country groups: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago

Recipient entities:  National Conservation Trust Funds (NCTFs), Non-government organizations (NGOs), Community-based organizations (CBOs), Government agencies, Regional/ international organizations, Private sector, Universities and research institutions

Eligibility Criteria: 

Projects to be supported by EbA Facility Grants must:

  • show a clear EbA focus, that is, the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.
  • be focused on the marine and coastal zones or demonstrate direct impact on these zones. 
  • include restoration and rehabilitation of ecosystems, management of protected areas, reduction of negative impacts of climate-related threats, measures to reduce physical damage and other related pressures on ecosystems, installation of artificial reefs, and hybrid solutions (gray-green infrastructure) relevant to the EbA approach. Protected areas (PAs) management support can be considered in protected areas that are relevant to ecosystem-based adaptation.
  • be focused on helping people adapt to adverse effects of climate change, reduce disaster risk, and build resilient ecosystems and economies. In addition, grants should focus on the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services and may include developing and replicating successful models.

Applicants are encouraged to consult the CBF Environmental and Social Policy and Exclusion List to make sure that their Concept Notes are aligned with the CBF’s requirements.

Application guidelines: 

The CBF’s EbA Facility regularly opens calls for proposals.  A two-step application process is followed:

  • Applicants must first complete and submit the Concept Note Template, which includes detailed instructions on what is expected from the projects as well as important references, such as the EbA Facility Logical Framework and CBF Environmental and Social Policy and Exclusion List. Concept Notes will be accepted in English, Spanish and French.
  • Applicants with selected Concept Notes will then be invited to submit Full Proposals.

For more information visit: 

Publication Date
Friday, 08 December 2023
Applicable location
Biodiversity conservation
Climate change
Forest landscape restoration
Financing opportunities