Eligibility Requirements for REDD+ Standards and Financing
This paper provides an overview of six REDD+ standards, as well as the sources of finance for which
they are eligible. Although there are additional carbon credit standards, this publication focus exclusively on standards with REDD+ methodologies and with an available source of finance.
A variety of non-market funding and market incentives for REDD+ have emerged in the last decade, with different REDD+ standards that provide rules and criteria to ensure environmental and social integrity. In some cases, using one standard might allow access to multiple funding opportunities, while other standards may have been developed to access a specific type of funding. However, no single REDD+ approach qualifies for every source of funding or market today. REDD+ implementers currently face a broad array of standards and financing options, some of which may be more appropriate to national or local circumstance than others.
By seeking to simplify the understanding of various standards, funding sources, and markets for REDD+, this publication hopes to facilitate understanding and confidence in implementing REDD+ in line with specific standards and accessing REDD+ finance. Below is a high-level summary of options for REDD+ implementers. However, this paper is not intended to serve as an assessment of the quality of standards or a recommendation for which standards to use. Additionally, these resources will not provide a full overview of all criteria required by each standard, but rather highlight the main differences among REDD+ approaches. REDD+ implementers should use this paper as a starting point, but then reach out to standard bodies directly or read the full standard criteria for the latest requirements.