Global Green Growth Institute
Organizational profile: The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) was formed to support developing countries and emerging economies to achieve sustainable inclusive economic growth. Since this initial founding, the organization has made significant progress and transformed into one of the leading international organizations supporting green growth policy and investments. As of 2020, GGGI has 38 Members and delivers programs for more than 30 Members and partners – in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific – with technical support, capacity building, policy planning and implementation, and by helping to build a pipeline of bankable green investment projects. GGGI supports national designated authorities (NDAs) and existing and potential national direct access entities (DAEs) to develop projects for submission to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and to access Readiness Programme resources. GGGI also works with partner governments to develop concept notes and funding proposals for submission to GCF. GGGI has a unique in-country presence and prominent role as a neutral, trusted advisor and strategic development partner embedded in Member and partner governments. These advisors are directly engaged with national governments in setting the strategic direction for national program development guided by a Country Planning Framework with the Government.
Financing Instrument: Technical Assistance
Project scale: N/A
Eligible recipient countries regions/country groups: Global
Recipient categories: Governments
Eligibility Criteria: Participation in GGGI programs is limited to members. Membership to GGGI is open to any member state of the United Nations or regional integration organization that subscribes to the objectives of the Institute. Global Programs provide specific, targeted technical assistance and project interventions based on the needs identified by multiple Members to provide the best-added value to their green growth ambition. Three broad criteria will guide the Council Decision on the Criteria for Country Programming; (1) Political commitment and engagement; (2) Potential for the green transformation; (3) Secured financial resources for impact.
Application guidelines: To become a member of the GGGI, GGGI requests submission of a letter of intent to communicate its political intent to become a Member. The letter of intent should be presented through written communication from the Head of State, Head of Government, or Minister of Foreign Affairs. The letter of intent should establish a focal minister for the accession process. Questions on membership and accession process may be directed to the Depositary Support at