Mitigation Action Facility


Organizational profile:

The Mitigation Action Facility – an agile, grant-based multi-donor fund – drives sectoral decarbonisation. The Mitigation Action Facility evolved from the NAMA Facility in 2023 as a go-to platform for providing technical support and climate finance for ambitious mitigation projects with an aim of decarbonising key sectors of the economy and society. It continues to fund ambitious climate change mitigation projects to implement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and long-term strategies (LTS) that are central to meeting the Paris Agreement goals.  

The Facility primarily focuses on three priority sectors – energy, transport and industry, but remains open to cross-sectoral projects linked to one of the priority sectors.

What the Mitigation Action Facility does:

  • provide grant-based funding for transformational climate action projects that contribute to reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  • help strengthen partner countries’ capacity through diverse technical and financial instruments to create replicable projects that enable innovation and upscaling.
  • gather and share learnings from our portfolio and collaborate within the climate finance community to speed up NDC implementation.

The grant-based funding provided by the Mitigation Action Facility is used for a combination of technical assistance measures and financial cooperation. The aim of the latter is to develop and offer market-based, sustainable and scalable financial mechanisms unlocking investments in technologies and practices that lead to a reduction of GHG emissions. 

The Mitigation Action Facility is a continuation of the NAMA Facility and builds on its legacy. The NAMA Facility was a multi-donor programme active from 2012 to early 2023 that provided financial support for implementing national climate strategies and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). This included projects aimed at harnessing the mitigation potential of the Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use sector.

Financing Instrument: Grants, Concessional Loans, Guarantee Funds, Advisory Services

Project scale: Recent calls have stipulated a funding range of EUR 5-25 million per project, excluding Detailed Project Preparation (DPP) funding. The Mitigation Action Facility portfolio includes grants of EUR 7 million and 15 million for forest-related projects.

Recipient countries/regions/country groups: Global

Recipient categories: National governments of developing countries and countries with emerging economies as well as other qualified applicants.

Eligibility Criteria:

Project Concepts need to meet eligibility criteria which serve to ensure that the submitted Concepts fulfil the formal requirements of the competitive bidding for the Mitigation Action Facility support. 

The following criteria apply: 

  • Timely submission (i.e. by the closure of the Project Concept Phase of the Call for Projects 2023 at 3 pm CEST on 31 July 2023) 
  • Focus on one of the three priority sectors – energy, industry or transport; or a cross-sectoral project linked to one of the priority sectors 
  • Completeness of information (all mandatory fields in OAP are filled out) • Information provided in English 
  • ODA-eligibility of the country according to the OECD DAC-list throughout the entire foreseen project implementation period 
  • Qualification of the Mitigation Action Facility funding as ODA finance 
  • Funding volume requested from the Mitigation Action Facility for implementation is in the range of EUR 5-25 million excluding DPP funding 
  • Envisaged implementation duration of 3 - 5 ½ years
  • Project Concepts and, upon selection, Project Outlines can be submitted by the following Applicants: 
  • A national ministry; in that case, a separate legal entity should be identified latest at the Project Outline Phase as the Applicant Support Partner (ASP) for contracting during DPP
  • Legal entities that comply with certain capacity and eligibility requirements and receive sufficient endorsement by the national government institutions relevant for the potential implementation of the project. 

Application guidelines:

The Mitigation Action Facility continues to launch annual competitive Calls enabling partner countries, or organisations on their behalf, to apply for funding. The most ambitious and feasible climate change mitigation projects are selected for support through a comprehensive assessment process, including the following phases: Concept Phase; Outline Phase; Detailed Preparation Phase (DPP); and Implementation Phase.

Project Concepts can be submitted exclusively through the Open Application Platform (OAP) accessible via the Mitigation Action Facility website. Project Concepts submitted in any other way will not be considered in the assessment process.
For more information about Calls for Proposals and application procedures, visit

Last updated: 14 September 2023

Publication Date
Thursday, 01 April 2021
Applicable location
Climate change
Private sector and industry
Forest conservation and management
Financing opportunities