A Review of Forest Financing in Africa


The general objective of the study is to conduct an analysis of forest financing in Africa. The specific objectives are: 

• To assess the current forest financing needs and gaps in Africa for SFM and in the context of the implementation of ,the implementation of the Non‐legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests (forest instrument);

 • Conduct analysis of current funding sources/mechanisms on forests in selected countries   including lessons learned and constraints, if any; 

• To document experiences, lessons‐learned, challenges, opportunities and success stories on forest financing in Africa including o The institutional and governance structures for SFM and its financing o The extend of the flows and effectiveness of financial resources for SFM (public, private, philanthropic, domestic and external resources

 • To document experiences of state ministries/agencies responsible for forest management, planning and finance on the flows and effectiveness of the international financial resources (public, private and philanthropic).     • To identify areas, issues and actions that countries of the region consider crucial for forest financing strategies.

Publication Date
Monday, 23 January 2012
Applicable location
Forest conservation and management
Community forestry
Learning materials